CUPE, BCPSEA, and the Province of British Columbia commenced discussions to conclude a Public Sector Accord on K – 12 support staff issues. The discussions addressed the establishment of a jointly trusteed health and welfare trust.
Bill-7 (the Public Education Support Staff Collective Bargaining Assistance Act) included an $11.8 million commitment from the Province of British Columbia to provide long-term disability (LTD) benefits to support staff members.
28 June
The trust agreement between CUPE and BCPSEA was signed.
The province provided an interest-free advance of $3 million to establish a joint early intervention service. PEBT fully repaid it by the end of 2008.
3 July
First meeting of initial PEBT Board of Trustees.
1 March
Introduction of LTD benefits to support staff members included in Bill-7.
1 August
Initial enrolment began for other benefits (life insurance, accident insurance, health care and dental care). PEBT facilitated the provision of these Other Benefits to the districts/members.
1 July
The Core LTD benefit, initially set at 50% of monthly earnings, was increased to 60% of monthly earnings.
Participation in the PEBT was expanded through collective bargaining to include additional school districts and union locals representing approximately 8,000 support staff members.
1 November
Core LTD benefits were implemented for the additional support staff members.
1 January
Initial enrollment commenced for other benefits (life insurance, accident insurance, health care and dental care) for the additional support staff members.
1, 2 March
The PEBT held a province-wide conference attended by 200 representatives of school districts, union locals and staff representatives, BCPSEA staff, and government.
28, 29 February
We sponsored a second province-wide conference focusing on the Core LTD Program. Dr. Martin Collis was the guest speaker on “Workplace Wellness,” and 220 people attended the conference.
27, 28 October
We sponsored a province-wide Health & Wellness conference. Featured guest speakers were Dr. Art Histor and Olympian Brian Price.
The Core LTD Benefit was increased to 66.67% of monthly earnings.
26, 27 November
The PEBT sponsored a province-wide conference focusing on Mental Health in the Workplace. Guest speakers included David Granirer, Stand up for Mental Health; Rebecca Marino, Former Professional Tennis Player; and Dr. Susan Biali, Wellness Expert/Life Coach.
The Core LTD Benefit was increased to 70% of monthly earnings.
We added coverage for medical monitoring to a maximum of $2,500 per year, effective January 1, 2021.
A member’s extended health and dental coverage contributions are covered by the PEBT during the first two years of long-term disability starting July 1, 2021.
Transition to direct-to-insurer administration