PEBT Quick Facts

These at-a-glance facts are as of December 31, 2023

Participating School Districts
Union Locals
Plan Members

The British Columbia Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) 

Appointed Trustees

With equal representation from the employer and union, representing both school districts and support staff workers in the K–12 sector 

Members Supported

Through the JEIS program since the inception in 2002 

Bargained Funding

Provided by the the provincial government annually to fund the “Core” LTD program 

LTD Claims Approved

Since the inception of the Trust

Investment Portfolio

Which includes a 6.4% investment return over the past 5 years

With the establishment of the PEBT, there are numerous advantages, including:

  • Consistent access to a government-funded long-term disability (LTD) program.
  • Financial savings through volume purchasing.
  • Improved management of disability claims through the Joint Early Intervention Service (JEIS).
  • Leveraging income from investments and reserves to offset plan administration and trust costs.
  • Improved governance because of the formal trust structure.
  • Centralization of benefits administration.

  • All interested working together for a common purpose.