Desjardins Representation

There is a team focused on supporting the members, including Desjardin staff.

Health Care Management Specialist (HCMS)

The Health Care Management Specialist is responsible to

  • Make the initial contact (within 24 hours of notification by the Absence Advisor) with absent members unless other arrangements have been made with the District Joint JEIS Committee.

  • Send out the JEIS package if required.

  • Explain how the JEIS works, including the member, the local union, the employer, and Desjardins’ roles and responsibilities in the program.

  • Arrange an initial face-to-face meeting with the member, if appropriate.

  • Gather and review information about the member’s illness/injury and develops an RTW/accommodation plan, if appropriate.

  • Ensure the privacy of medical information.

  • Communicate with the member, employer, and local union representatives (when appropriate) and the member’s doctor throughout their absences to monitor their progress and ensure that the RTW plan is followed.

  • Provide the District Joint JEIS Committee with a monthly status report.

  • Meet with the District Joint JEIS Committee to discuss the status report as necessary.

Rehabilitation Consultant

The Rehabilitation Consultant

  • Is a third-party resource of varied specialties that Desjardins may utilize for early intervention services (for specialized services or remote areas) or during LTD claims.
  • Fulfills the same responsibilities as the HCMS.

LTD Claims Specialist

The LTD Claims Specialist

  • Becomes involved when members are likely to become LTD claimants and
  • Ensures that any additional information required is requested/received promptly so there is no delay in claim payment should a member’s absence evolve into an LTD claim.