Health Care Management Specialist


If no support is required (i.e. absence is due to the flu and a full RTW is expected soon), contact the Committee after the expected return to work date.

  • If the member’s status has changed and they have not returned to work, reassess their situation. If the member has returned to work for at least 10 working days, no further follow-up is required.

  • If assistance is required, initiate a discussion with the member, based on the medical information received, regarding the possibility of modified, alternate, part-time or gradual RTW and determine what may be required to allow for a successful and sustainable return to work.


To assist in RTW planning, the following may be considered:

  • Job site visits to clarify the member’s specific duties.

  • Ergonomic assessments to facilitate job modifications.


Advise the Committee of the member’s abilities and restrictions and initiate discussion regarding the draft RTW plan and any possible barriers or concerns from the Committee.


Provide the final RTW plan, based on the member’s abilities and limitations, to all parties, including to the treating physician.


During the RTW communicate with the member as required, every two weeks at a minimum.


Obtain confirmation from the Committee upon the member’s full RTW.